miercuri, 19 decembrie 2007

A time to remember

Patti Smith -Because the night

Erau la Madame Tussands mai multe cd-uri cu muzica incepand din anii 20 pana in zilele noastre. Cam greu sa aleg unul .
M-am hotarat in cele din urma asupra unuia cu muzica din anul 1978 , anul nasterii mele , sa vad si eu ce se asculta pe-atunci .Contine si informatii despre ce s-a intamplat in 1978 :

  • Radioactive Soviet spy satellite crashes in Canada
  • Sweden protects Ozone layer by banning aerosol sprays
  • 3,5 milion year old human footprint found in Africa
  • Charlie Chaplin 's body is stolen from Swiss cemetery
  • Birth in London of the word's firts test tube baby
  • Pope Paul VI dies aged 80
  • Begin and Sadat awarded Nobel Peace Prize
  • 909 followers of Cult leader ,Rev Jim Jones ,commit mass suicide
  • Christopher Reeve stars in the special effects movie "Superman"
  • Robert de Niro starts in "The Deer Hunter"
  • Atlantic City legalize casino gambling
  • Ex Italian premier Aldo Moro is killed by The Red Brigades
  • "Space Invaders " coputer game is worldwide hit
  • Israel and Egipt sign peace agreement at Camp David
  • China lifts ban on works by Shakespeare and Dickens

Nici pomeneala de nasterea mea :p

1 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

lucrurile cu adevărat importante se știu nu se scriu :d